Friday, May 15, 2009

Eeeekch, Eeeekch, Eeekch.

When you're living on a boat, you're constantly listening for noises: the bilge pump running more than it should, halyards slapping against the mast, or the squeaking of worn lines. Last night, we heard a new noise. We were anchored just north of the NASA Causeway Bridge next to Cape Canaveral. P heard the noise first. Eeeekch, Eeekch, Eeekch. He checked the topside looking for a snarled deck block. Nothing. He came back down below and again we could hear an eerie staccato woodpecker sound. We wandered through the cabin with our ear to the hull. Nothing inside, it was definitely ouside so up we went topside again. This time, in addition to the muddled eeeekch, eeeeekch, we heard dolphin breaking the surface and snorting before diving back down again. We were surrounded by a pod of playful dolphin. And sudddenly P realized what the noise was: dolphing chattering to each other. We could hear it much better below the waterline. I felt like a mermaid - thanks Senara.

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