Thursday, April 30, 2009

happy anniversary to me! ............ from P

I can hardly believe it has been one year. I remember having lunch with a friend and co-worker at the Mexican restaurant across the street from my office. As he walked back into the building, I hollered to him - "on the in-out board, just write 'gone sailing' next to my name!" I remember flying down the interstate with my windows rolled down, singing with the radio. It felt just like the last day of school - a year long summer break. It has been exactly one year since I left the professional working world. There are a few things that I miss: The feeling of satisfaction after solving a tense situation, hot coffee and lots of progress early in the AM, and a nice paycheck. But I must say that I really have not missed living my life focused primarily on a job. A job that felt like a job, not my life's work. Focusing on the weather, the waves, and the destinations has made a lot more sense lately.

This one year anniversary prompts me to think about the next year, or at least the next week as we will return to the Keys and get Senara back under sail. Yes!! But alas, alas, we will be sailing north toward home to re-join our regularly scheduled life. The good news is that it will take about a month for us to sail home. Maybe I can stretch it out to 5 or 6 weeks. Or maybe I can figure a way to be celebrating a second anniversary next spring.

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