Saturday, April 18, 2009

pavement sailing .......... from P

After a great week of sailing north from KW, and idyllic scuba dives on Sombrero reef, we got the dreaded phone call - my dad's health has taken a serious turn for the worse and we had better come home again. He has rallied from the depths of nearly fatal setbacks numerous times, but after hearing some details we decided we'd better get home as quickly as possible. After checking airline schedules and prices we decided to rent a mooring for Senara, rent a car for us, and drive the "blue hair highway" all the way from Miami to southern Virginia. In one day. It is incredible that Alamo will rent a 2009 mid sized car for $35 including unlimited mileage. And indeed, it seemed unlimited: we drove 1,040 miles in one day.

Dad has been moved home, into a medical bed, in the same room and same spot in front of his family-room window where mom died. So here we are at home, preparing to spend tonight (and as many night as needed) attending to dad, with the help of with the hospice nurses. It will be a heartbreaking final chapter in the life of a great man. I am so glad we got on the road. This is where we are supposed to be right now.

1 comment:

C.C. said...

Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you and your family as you say goodbye to your dad. So glad you were in a place where you could get home quickly.