Whooooo Hooooo! Spring break in Fort Lauderdale. Is it 1981? Maybe not, but when we stopped in for a margarita this afternoon across the street from the beach, it sure took me back to the day. A note about the boating scene - I have never seen so many boats, mega yachts, and mega homes on the water, all in one place. HA saw a factoid on the web site - there are 41,000 boats registered in Ft. Lauderdale. That is not a typo. More amazing, most boats I see are not even home ported here. No telling how many total acres of floating fiberglass actually ply these canals. I took a few pics as we made our way from the inlet toward downtown. Also, I have two guest bloggers below. My D#2, HA. And her cousin (K's niece), MJ. They are helping us re-live our spring breaks, lo those many moons ago.

Typical little houses and boats along the canalways in Ft. L.

Now I know where the Carrie B spends her winters!

MJ, K, and HA scoping out the spring-break beefcake.
From MJ and HA....
So, according to some reading that HA was doing this morning, "Fort Lauderdale now attracts a more sophisticated and affluent tourist, while largely ignoring the dwindling college crowd." Well, we would like to inform the readers that Ft. Lauderdale is still a top college spring break destination. We decided to take a relaxing tour of the beach area on this gorgeous day. The plan was to walk along Las Olas Boulevard, which we did, but we had the delightful pleasure of happening upon a street fair art exhibit. There were some gorgeous and interesting paintings, photographs, and glass work which were for sale if you had a very large checkbook. After passing the street fair and walking further down the boulevard, we got tired and hailed a cab to take us to the beach. We stopped and got margaritas (or water and snuck sips of P and K's), used the facilities and hopped into our swimsuits. The early afternoon was spent relaxing on the beach which was overrun with many college students playing corn hole and frisbee while coveting those all too well known red and blue Solo cups. HA and I ventured into the water which was a little chilly but also refreshing.
After sitting out long enough to have a few tender spots from the sun later, we all decided we were tired of the beach and wanted to catch the $1 a person Sun Trolley back to the marina. Well, since the street fair was taking up part of the boulevard, all of the trolleys were behind schedule because of the detours. While we were sitting at the bus stop on the beach, we witnessed a street side scuffle between some more than slightly inebriated college blokes. One of them must have been in a generous mood and started tossing dollar bills into the air and then left them strewn about the sidewalk. We waited for him to come back and claim them, or at least some other passerby, but no one seemed interested. Well, there were four dollar bills moving along the ground in the breeze and four of us who needed some trolley fare. HA was brave and chased down the bills and even ventured into the street for one... so where ever you are big, drunk college guy in the red shirt, thanks for the free trolley ride! Our feet really appreciated the break from the 2 mile walk back to the marina!
After cleaning up from the beach, we walked across the street to enjoy a 3-D Imax extravaganza about under the sea creatures narrated by Jim Carrey. We now all want to adopt some adorable sea lions which K claims resemble her childhood dog named Poochie. Now we are relaxing on the boat enjoying the view of sailboats passing through the drawbridge that we are docked next to, all full from the hamburgers that P grilled for us.