Thursday, July 31, 2008

An unexpected friend...........................from K

We lost our watches weeks ago and have learned to look at the angle of the sun to guess the time and we're getting pretty accurate. In fact we're following the lead of the sun in our daily routine -- eating breakfasts a little earlier than usual and lunches when the sun is approaching a 45 degree angle. Funny, but when when I was at work, I HAD to eat by noon or I'd get the green meanies.
It's only in port that we're scrambling to find a cell phone to find the exact time in order to meet friends or make a showtime. Ironically, I found myself looking to the ceiling of a museum in Baltimore yesterday to locate the sun to see if we could make the next planetarium show - we did (with no help from the ceiling). I was reminded of Thoreau's admonishment, "We do not ride upon the railroad, it rides upon us" and so it's nice to escape clocks and watches and schedules to ENJOY time - a completely free gift. We linger in bookstores, actually reading books, not just scanning the book jackets. We wait patiently in line at the grocery stores talking to locals who give us great advice of places to visit. Time has become a generous, forgiving enjoyable friend. I'm just hoping this friend follows us home...
A quick note about Baltimore: if you haven't been to Inner Harbor recently, do so now!! It's clean and friendly and safe and filled with beautiful people. Pat's wonderful nephew and wife and adorable baby met us at Jon Paul's for dinner - thanks for fitting us into your busy schedule! And as luck would have it, my colleagues, Liz & Don, were at a conference in Baltimore and we spent the evening with them racing cars, shooting baskets, playing ice hockey and wave riding at the ESPN Zone. What a blast! I guess the trains do run on the right tracks sometimes, Henry David!
Note: Cole, I need your phone/email so we can connect on our way back through!

1 comment:

Randi Jo :) said...

ohhh!! I LOVE the idea of no watches but instead living my day by the sunshine and by what I feel like doing (eating when I feel like it)!!! so cool :) Life without 24-hour time. how cool!!!!!!! :) thanks for letting me share