Thursday, July 24, 2008

just one more time.........................from P

I couldn't help myself. The Screwpile Challenge race series was being held again out of Solomon's MD - and we were going to be in that area during the same three days. The race series is named after an old lighthouse that was built on piles which were actually huge screws twisted into the bottom of the Bay, and stood guard at the entrance of Solomons harbor. This is one of my favorite places on the Bay (how many times am I going to say that?). My friend Capt. Tony brought his boat, TLSea, up from Hampton Roads to race against the "big boys". 140 boats from around the Bay were involved, most of them rigged for racing and crewed by practiced racing crews. Irresistable. So we got a comfortable slip for Senara at Spring Cove Marina for a few days and Tony, the crew, and I got our game faces on and went racin'. The third day of racing was cancelled due to dangerous storm conditions - and that was OK with me as it gave us time to do laundry, tour the great little town of Solomons, and recover from bruises, sore knees and a little bit of hangover from full days of hard sailing and after-race festivities. There are too many good stories to recount them all, but after two full days of windward-leeward tight racing in very good breezes we finished sixth in our class of 13 boats. Results are posted on the links in the right hand column. We were on the West Course, Class 11. Gotta stay in that top half! OK, now I am retired from racing.....for the trip anyway.

The Crew: Fred, Capt. Tony, P, Kent, K (just so the picture would look better). Not pictured, Doc and Drew

Capt. Tony and Drew, pre-race rig check.

Doc and Kent

You can't do well without good crew. Fred is ready to hoist.


sari_mishap said...

Hey guys! Erin M here. I finally found your blog! Very happy to be able to keep up with your happenings. I wrote a letter to HAH the other day asking about you guys.
(As for me - just finished an educational and soul-cleansing 6-week internship on an organic farm in NH, next is Mexico for a week or so, then good old Hampton Roads for a few weeks!)
Keep up the posts (K, you should write more!), be safe, have fun!


Cole Matson said...

And Cole M. here! I just found your blog through Hannah Trostle's blog. I'm glad you're having such a great time. I just had my own three-week trip to the U.K. - will be applying to Oxford this fall to study theology.

I have my own St. Christopher medal in my car. I know we Proddys don't generally ask for the saints' intercession, but he hasn't failed me once.

If you're sailing into the port at Baltimore, I can offer you a steak dinner (not cooked by me, and therefore safe).

Senara said...

Erin & Cole,
I so appreciate the updates - I think of y'all often - and miss you more! Erin, we have to chat about your soul-cleansing - I'm all about that! Cole, Oxford sounds like a perfect place for you - commune with the spirit of CS Lewis and the like! I'm so excited to hear of your adventures! Keep commenting!