Friday, November 21, 2008

shrimp & grits................from P

We learned not to say Charleston - that's in West Virginia. It's Chahhlston here. We also learned that when you order food, be prepared to get to know your waiter. Conversations are required. This really is an old, charming city with a modern hustle & bustle. We took a horse-drawn carriage tour and heard stories of old family politics, old money shenanigans, and myriad famous characters entwined into the fabric of this city like the strands in the sweet-grass baskets being handwoven along the sidewalks by the direct descendents of west African slaves. Did you know that JFK had an affair with a beautiful Nazi spy just after the big war? Right here in an old hotel on the waterfront. The city was uber wealthy until the civil war, but was so destitute thereafter the citizens had no choice but to continue maintaining their old buildings and houses rather than starting from scratch (as did Atlanta). So the old buildings and homes are still here, each adding their special personality to the town that is a living museum of 18th century affluence. My problem is that I want to read every sign, go into every "house museum," and eat in every restaurant. Yesterday I had a bowl of hot shrimp & grits for lunch. It also had scallops, sausage pieces, and melted cheese. Man! So it is a good thing that we are stuck here because of this unbelievable weather. Oh well, got to go into town again today and maybe check out the civil war museum. And of course, K wants to walk around the campus at the College of Chahhlston. I am already thinking about lunch.

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