Monday, November 24, 2008

Morning rewards......................from K

My wise father-in-law says, "you're always rewarded when you wake up early" and sometimes that promise is the only thing that gets me out of bed. Of course, he's right. We were up before the sun this morning, but it was sending up warm red rays which bounced off the puffy clouds. We were the only boat anchored in our marshy creek and with the mist on the still water, I felt like a part of nature. Our "friends" came back to usher us out to the ocean. Last night, they made it difficult to anchor because they kept playing around the bow of our boat. One dophin has a notch missing from his dorsal fin, so he obviously has not learned his lesson to keep a healthy distance from boats. Every time they surface next to us, we laugh. It's like getting that rare smile from a serious baby - a shared secret.
We have a long day today. We're going out St. Helena's inlet (bring us fair winds Mom!!) and coming back in by Hilton Head Island. After helping P get the anchor up and dodging a few crabpots, I scurried below - back into my blanket-leaden bunk. I've never gone back to bed before, but I'm hoping that this is one of our last frigid mornings, so I'm taking advantage of the situation. I'll assuage my guilt by catching up on emails...

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