Friday, June 27, 2008

a little bit nervous........................from K

a little bit nervous.........from K
Today is my last day of work - I'm leaving a job that I love and people that I will miss seeing everyday. I thought I'd be more excited about the big exit, but alas, I am nervous. Nervous about leaving my girls, P's dad, my parents, my neurotic dog, my whiny cat, and even my dirty, demanding house. I know P and I are prepared for uncertainty, for adventure, even boredom. I suppose if this were easy, everyone would do it. I look forward to being a different person a year from now - more courageous, less fearful of change. But for right now, I'll just latch onto P's enthusiasm until I find my groove. 12 days until we cast off the dock lines...

1 comment:

Randi Jo :) said...

can't wait to 'share' your adventure with you! thanks so so much for blogging about it! :)