By sunset we had five creekazoids rafted together - forming a larger group than the OPCYC had! On Sunday, K led the group in a floaty session while the guys played with our snorkel & diving toys. Turns out, Neil's mom and stepdad live two rivers over (Ware River). So we sailed over there Sunday evening and got ourselves invited into their home for an incredible meal of fresh baked redfish, aka puppy drum around here. Monday we faced a hard rain most of the day, but the sailing was good. I looked back through the rain at the boats coming out of the Mobjack and thought - just kill me now, unless I can do this again soon.
1) Senara and Isabel's revenge together again. I think they missed each other!
2)Kai aboard Isabel, making sure he knows where everyone is.
3)Family portrait! Neil, Carol, Bailey
4)Is your bottom clean ?!
5)Fred returns from a successful gas hunting trip.
6)K hauling in the port sheet.